I hate when there aren't fresh posts up on here as much, and possibly more than, you do on here so, I figured that I would stop in and put something new on here.
I feel terrible for anyone who missed tonight's MLB Home Run derby. Watching a reformed Josh Hamilton hit absolute bombs at such an amazing frequency was truly remarkable. After battling a severe drug addiction he has done a complete 180 and is performing at an outstanding rate while trying to help troubled youths avoid what he went through. Hamilton hit 28 home runs in one round...ONE ROUND! He clearly burned himself out for the finals because he lost 5-3 to Justin Morneau but, that doesn't matter. The show wasn't in the result it was in the first round. Highlights won't do it justice either. Just watching everything unfold, the reactions of the players and fans, and his initial reaction after his first couple home runs was amazing. After 10 dingers it was apparent to everyone watching that history was being made.
Another cool thing was the man who pitched for him. His 71 year old American Legion baseball coach from his young days, Clay Counsil, who threw well over 80 pitches. Apparently when Hamilton was younger he promised Counsil he would bring him as his pitcher if he ever made it to the HR Derby. Truly a great story all around.
On a side note, Erin Andrews looked wonderful as usual as she was successful in being eye candy and doing a stand-up job with interviews. Unfortunately I couldn't track down a picture of her from tonight.
didnt you like how she walked away from morneau after he won to go interview hamilton...thought that was pretty pathetic right there
I did not get to see the HRD, but did get to watch portions of the All Star game itself and it's good to see the Yankees fans are still a bunch of whining, no-class tools. Drew hits a home run and the boo??? What a bunch of losers.
how about the resounding boos for paps when he came in...and the cheers when he gave up the go ahead run...god i cant wait for that stadium to get blown up along with the 55000 or so that can fit in it
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