Tomorrow night's game against Montreal will be shown on NESN Plus channels and not NESN HD. Why do they have to add insult to injury?! Looks like NESN jumped off of the bandwagon real fast. Nice work NESN. No one cares about baseball right now. It's still April!!! Don't get me wrong, I love the Sox and their rivalry with the Yankees. In fact, I was there last Friday for it but, come on? I hope the Bruins come back and beat the Habs to make NESN look like a bunch of back stabbing...I'm going to refrain before I say something too arrogant.
Looks like those commercials were a complete and total fabrication. If they show it again I'm going to laugh my balls off. I'm going to miss the ghetto kid rapping, "Bruins, the Bruins What?!"
Yaaaaa...nice work NESN...
least you dont have to shell out 150 bucks for the Center Ice package to watch the Bruins like i do. thank god i love hockey so much it doesnt bother me too much.
take a look at that...what exactly is sinden smoking?
why would Marc Savard even want to stay in Boston after hearing comments like that? That's horrible for a guy to hear from someone in the same franchise.
Here's a copy of what I left for NESN. I urge you to send something similar.
To Whom It May Concern:
Season after season, I have tolerated NESN's coverage of the Bruins. While the analysis has take great strides, with great additions to the intermission crew and Jack and Brick solid every game, the actual broadcasts have not kept pace. The cutaways are sloppy, no one knows when the commercials are, and graphics department can't seem to manage posting a power play clock to save its life. But that has been tolerated. Until now.
You can't seriously expect the hockey fans in this town to condone an ELIMINATION PLAYOFF HOCKEY GAME taking a backseat to a regular-season baseball game. Even if there will be more viewership from the Red Sox Nation tonight, consider the product you're selling to Bruins fans. A team that has made the playoffs for the first time since the lockout has its back against the wall. You are forcing a fan base that is trying to reemerge to reconsider whether they want to watch TV tonight. All indicators point towards a growing number of hockey fans in Boston. You really think you'll lose Sox fans by bumping their game tonight? Seems like you've got your foot solidly in the door there. But you have a responsibility to air the more important game on the better channel, and you threaten your at-best tenuous grip on Boston hockey viewers in failing that.
All the HandiCam-quality, high-school-AV-club shows (Rubber Biscuit, the Buzz, etc.) can not make up for the fact that you are letting down the team. Bigger game. Bigger priority. It's that simple.
Be advised, I'll be sending versions of this letter to W.B.Mason, Granite City Electric, Bob's Discount Furniture, and any and every other regular NESN sponsor I can find to express my disappointment in a way that you can understand. I will hit every message board, every blog, and every token feedback page in hopes that you change your mind. Here's hoping...
Rick Richter
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