I have a funny story (or informative, see comment 3) for today's pregame post. On Saturday, I unfortunately had hockey at 6:10 so it was inevitable that I was going to miss a portion of the game. We finished our game, showered up, and dragged the cooler outside as it was still a little light out and a very comfortable spring evening. We came out to the parking lot to discover the Habs were up 1-0. Boo. Anyhow, a couple beers later and a drive home we find myself at the end of the second period with the Bruins down 2-1. Double boo. So, I leave my house and head for a party (where I later met my demise from something I ate leading to a stomach bug.)
So, I get to the party, I say hi to everyone. Yada yada, I sit in the living room near the tv and ask "does anyone have any objection to putting on the Bruins game?" No one said they did, and one other said he wanted to know what channel it was on. It is extremely safe to say that I am the only Bruins fan in my group of friends. Anyhow, the game turns on and I announce that "I may yell and/or rudely drop an F-bomb here or there." You know, just so I don't startle anyone. This is where it gets good. The Bruins score to tie it up and I obviously yell "YAAAAAA!!!" in a very loud fashion and pump my fist a few times. This one girl, who will be known as Naggy Bitch because of her outstanding personality, says "ummmm, is that really necessary?"
Holy Christ! Did she not here my announcement about my yelling not 5 minutes ago? I respond with "uhhhh, ya it is necessary. This is an important game." Everyone looks around the room at each other and just gives a funny look because this is a usual occurrence from Naggy Bitch. The game goes on, we all know the story with the back and forth and all. Naggy Bitch continues her ways. "How many sessions are there? Do they count up to 20 or down from 20?" If the Bruins were losing I think I would have snapped.
For the record, I love women. They bring many aspiring qualities to this earth. However, there are some people who do not. Hitler, John Wilkes Booth, Sadam Husein, Osama Bin Laden, and Naggy Bitch. That's the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.
Anyhow, it was a great night as the Bruins came back to win and force the game 7. However, after the game, my buddy started up the grill and we cooked some assorted meats. I had a steak, a cheddar dog, and a burger. The steak was very red and still mooing but, I didn't care because I had a good buzz and the Bruins victory put me on cloud 9. That next day did me in as I was sick as a dog. If the Bruins want me to have another stomach bug in place for a win tonight then I will take it. A full day of pain and not being able to eat is worth a game 7 defeat for the Habs.

Let's do it B's!!!
Bs deserve to win tonight.. they have been outplaying and outworking the Habs in every game but one this series.
Hard work always pays off in the end and I truly believe this team knows it.
Keep on keepin on Bs.. hand the Habs their @ass tonight so we can all watch as les habitants and the entire organization crumbles afterwards.
Should be noted that Carbo is doing more talking than Julien this morning saying his team is better and should win, his team has not played to their potential and they should come out on top. The final words of a man who has no control over his team any more. He had a fast team that beat us - so he told them to hit us. They hit us, we hit them back. And we scored along the way and they couldn't. They can't hit and score - they have to pick one. The Bruins upped their game to do both. You can smell the fear. They talk about the 6th man (the crowd) but the B's have been here. There's mroe pressure on that crowd on the Habs than us. If it starts to slip away, you'll start hearing the boos and start seeing rioting in the stands. It's gonna be a close one - and I hope OUR Bruins come out on top. GO BRUINS GO!
"I have a funny story for today's pregame post"
I found nothing funny about your story!
You can't please everyone. That story was more true than funny so, I apologize for the false advertisement. However, if you have comments like that, you must be a naggy bitch. Someone has to play that role.
If Thomas successfully pass the first period without any kind of blunders, the bruins have a good chance to win.
well hell of a year guys...next year i expect even better
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