Tonight. Tonight is every hockey fans dream that only comes once every year. The night that the Stanley Cup is presented to it's deserving champion.
"But McKeon?! It's only game 5. There's no guarantee we shall see the dudes with the white gloves and Lord Stanley himself."On the contrary, the coveted cup WILL be presented and it will be presented in front of a home crowd compromised of octopi whipping, car manufacturing, and bad driving lunatics drunk off of exhilaration and pure jubilation (and obviously a bit of alcohol despite the Monday night face-off) that comes with the joy that their team has hoisted up the most beautiful piece of metal on God's green earth.
I have never experienced a Bruins Stanley Cup victory. However, ever since I was roughly nine or ten years of age I have been watching the Stanley Cup presentation. The best was, of course 1994. The look on Mark Messier's face was pricless and that wasn't even his first but, it sure looked like it. The best actor in the world couldn't have shown half of the emotion that Messier did. At first, it was my goal to lift the cup but, that became bleak some time during my early high school years and completely left reality in college. However, I still watch intently and I still get the chills. I can not imagine what it would be like if the Bruins won, I really do not know. What I do know though, is that I would trade away the Patriot reign and the 2007 Red Sox World Series (definitely not 2004 though) for a Stanley Cup victory in Boston... ::sigh::
Game 5 Prediction: Wings 3 - Penguins 2
MVP: Chris Osgood
after the first period my prediction is still possible but, not looking so hot
ok...after a great 2nd period for the wings my prediction looks to be improving...and if malone and gonchar are possibly out the Wings may just pull this off
NOOO!! my prediction was foiled!
bummer...off to Pittsburgh
Pitt will still not win. They are too desperate and playing sloppy.
on the contrare mckeon...the best was by far when ray bourque won in colorado on so many levels
I did enjoy the Bourque win in Colorado for personal reasons but, Messiers reaction is still by far the best. However, #77's win was a very close second for sure. Good argument
yeah messier's reaction was definitely the best i'll give you that...but seeing ray hoist that cup in 01 was the greatest moment ive seen...i was at the sox game the day of game 7 and they were giving out the Ks that said way to go ray go avs on the back...still have 8 of em in my room hanging up
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