Here's the chance to find, "The Answer." A chance to open the eyes of the league, a chance to make a statement to say that this legendary franchise is back. Ideally, this team could use Marian Hossa and a defenseman like John-Michael Liles, Ron Hainsey, or Brooks Orpik. The biggest reason why not getting Hossa would hurt more than usual would be that he could potentially go to Montreal. It would be great to add a player like Hossa AND keep him away from Montreal, all in one motion. Only time will tell.
There's a buzz around the boards and in the sound of the voices who actually talk Bruins when they are not playing a rival in the playoffs. The diehards are excited, and maybe, on July 2nd the Northeast division and the rest of the league will do a double take like you do when you see that little bikini on that hottie you have been crushing on for a long time, big jugs and all. Kind of like in Caddyshack when Judge Smails's niece, Lacey Underall, walks by everyone at the pool and everyone stops. Am I dreaming? Probably. However, it would be outstanding to get some scoring in front of Thomas/Fernandez and keep their nightly shots-against in the mid-twenties.
July 1st is Christmas....or Hanukkah...or Kwanzaa or what have you. We are either getting socks, or the most fabulous gift you could possibly imagine...tools to achieve Stanley Cup immortality!
Over the top? Maybe. I'll let you decide.
if we can get hossa for 6.5-7 mil a year for say 5 years id say thats a good deal...anything more forget about it...also i would rather orpik instead of jm liles but at this point ill take anything just get me to july 1st
MMM Lacey Underall. so hot. want to touch the hiney.
Alrighty then....
Wish: Hossa and Campbell (can you say KG and Allen???).
Realistically though, the Bs really do need another 30+ goal scorerand Hossa is best available. I hope the rumors don't pan out that Marleau comes here. We don't need any more stinkin centers.
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