Do you remember how you felt when you woke up as an American soldier the morning the Allies attacked Normandy beach way back during WWII? Probably not. Can you at least picture the feeling? It's a gorgeous day, the sun is shinning, the air is calm, the birds are chirping without a care in the world aside from what can I eat and where can I poop? Wait, story break. Birds definitely do not think about where they are going to poop, they just go...must be nice. I digress. Like I said, calm air, birds etc. With all of these surroundings, soldiers put on their coats, grab their gear knowing full well there will be plenty of bloodshed and sacrifice on either side for the greater good.
The Boston Bruins need to go into this game with the same mindset. The end is near, and if they do not put it all on the line for their brothers and their fans, there will be no tomorrow (exaggerating, I know, there's 7 tomorrows left after tonight), there will be no second chances. They are amidst a point in the season where it is do or die. They are at the point where only the strong survive and who is standing in their way? Montreal, the most hated team that takes the ice. The Bruins need to be intense, and they need to play merciless hockey against this team. They need to take down the Habs with them looking up prior to their defeat saying, "Et tu Boston?" just as Brutus did to Caesar on the Ides of March (hmm, only 5 days off).

On a serious note, in order to have the best chance to win the Bruins need a high amount of energy very early on. Best case scenario: Chara does end up playing tonight (game time decision) and the crowd erupts just from the captain's presence. The Bruins need a big hit, an early goal, a big save, even a fight from one of the 4th liners wouldn't hurt. The crowd needs to be into the game to override those "ole, ole, ole" idiots from up north. The time is now, and there is no bigger opportunity. Let's go boys!
Line-up (With Chara)
Fight? Fight? Which bleu, blanc et rouge going to step up and throw down? Koma? Latende? Lapierre? Oh that's right - they don't have a fighter. They have no spine. They irritate you and laugh hoping you will take a stupid penalty - and then score on their PP. Stay out of the box and make them play 5-on-5 - and they can't. Punich them, keep our sticks down. Let them skate fast, keep them on the outside, force them to throw it on the net and try for a rebound. Cover Thomas, stick up for your B's get them on the PP. They upset us in 2002 and we fall back. They charge back from 3 games down and we fall back. They embarass us and we fall back. They spank us 6-1 and we fall back. We get embarassed again 8-2 and we fall back. No more. Enough is enough. Flyers, Sabres, Caps, Rangers all on our asses. No more. WIN WIN WIN!
I say tonight is the night.....3-2 B'S !!!!!
this season is over proven scorer = no playoffs for this team mercifully...watching this team is starting to really get painful...only 3 multi goal games the last 9 or something...i mean come on...thank god april 5 will be the last game for this team
I hate the habs... and their arrogant fans. I hope they get swept in the first round.
These Bruins are killing me !! Just have to play .500 for the last bit and we are in. Now hopefully we just win 1 of the last 8 !!! Just like last year....terrible finish to what was a good season !!
this team is so terrible it doesnt even deserve to make the playoffs. they single handedly lost their own playoff spot by their terrible terrible performances the past 10-12 games. typical bruins
Who the hell said a defensive minded team could win games? They must have forgot to point out that scoring is perhaps an important element of hockey. Screw defense, you can't win games if u cant bury the biscuit.
You also can't win games if you give up 7 goals. For a team with very little offensive talent they have to play defense first. This team is so goal stricken that if they play offensive-minded hockey they will lose 6-1. If they only have the ability to score 2 goals they might as well play defensive-minded hockey to keep the opponents goals down. That obviously didn't happen last night.
This team is not built for tons of offense, it's not their style. You wouldn't try to make a horse bark like a dog would you? I know it's frustrating but, trust me, it would be much worse if they stopped playing defensive hockey.
Remember, it's not the style of hockey, it's the bodies in the system that are making this frustrating. Julien's system would work with two more finishers in the line-up.
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